Snatch Blocks, Pulley Blocks & More
Using the appropriate snatch block makes the difference in any heavy duty job. Our selection of snatch blocks allows for shackles or hooks attachments for quick release or transported cargo. Snatch blocks function as the fulcrum mechanism moving an object from one place to another. All of our snatch block devices are rated for winching, construction, automotive and other mechanical jobs that require heavy moving. The snatch pulley blocks offered come available with swiveling heads to reduce the amount of tension transmitted in aircraft line and for users to set the snatch block in any position available. Use our blocks for marine blocks to use around the boat and to move cargo. They feature a lubed bearing for easy spin and are furnished with a drop-forged swivel latch hook. They are commonly used by Roofers, Painters and Contractors for light housing and lifting.
Our Blocks are ideal for Towing, Rigging, Construction and Recovery.